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The Men’s Ministry of First Baptist Cameron, the Band of Brothers—is an inviting and welcoming place for all men ages 18 and up.

This ministry is dedicated to “transforming men into the image of Jesus Christ.” We strive to accomplish this by offering a variety of entry points and opportunities for men to grow spiritually, physically, relationally with other men and to engage in various levels of service
at FBC Cameron, in the community, and around the world.

Men, we welcome your participation to help make this ministry all our Lord desires us to be as we sharpen one another towards transformation through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Upcoming Events

Join us each Sunday morning @ 9:30am

Bible Study for Men

For men of all ages and stages. This study includes a 30-minute teacher led session, followed by a practical application and the option for discussion afterwards. If you are new to Bible studies, you are encouraged to just come listen. Participation is welcomed but not mandatory. All men are encouraged to prioritize the study of God's Word and attend faithfully, but it is not a requirement of the study. Join us every Sunday at 9:30am as this study meets throughout the year with several short breaks.

Five Things Men Value

We value Brotherhood over isolation, team over self, camaraderie over divisions. We know that true wisdom is revealed in the community of
Christ and that life is meant to be lived in the company of strong Christians in service to the King of Kings in a world bent toward destruction.

2. Courage

We value courage over cowardice and the resulting passivity. We value obedience to God in the face of uncertain (and even negative) outcomes, engaging our families and church with the servant-leadership of Christ in the face of fatigue and busyness, pressing forward to know God more and more in an age of pride and materialism.

3. Honor

We value honoring our vows and commitments, as well as honoring our Lord, friendships, and families. We value letting our “Yes” be “Yes” and
our “No” be “No” instead of vacillating based on circumstances and pressure. We value honoring our Lord and Savior over our perceived needs
of the moment.

4. Truth

We value basing our lives on the changeless truth of God’s Word (revealed perfectly in Christ and the Scriptures). We value searching for truth whenever we face an unknown or trying time. We value a brotherhood, which speaks truth to one another and challenges one another to live truth out, instead of merely speaking what is popular, worldly, or easiest.

5. Mission

We value Serving over being Served. We value investing our lives in a meaningful way in an age that elevates consumption, trivia, and
selfishness. We value basing our life model on the life of Christ, who did not consider equality with God something to be held on to, but
humbled Himself taking the very nature of a servant (Philippians 2: 6–7)

Giving Our Lives

A soul growing closer to God cannot be contained. Eventually, it will need to find a release. Missions and volunteering are just two such outlets.
