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Lead Pastor

Patrick Ransom


1 Timothy 4:6-10 is a life, doctrine, and salvation passage. Watch your life, watch your doctrine, and focus on salvation. Good pastor-teachers are to be nourished by the truth of God themselves, so that they are able to convey these truths to the people of God. In other words, the pastor-teacher’s personal nourishment sustains their public ministry. They are to take time and trouble to keep themselves spiritually fit and to this end they are to toil and strive to remain focused on salvation and finishing well.


Cindy Lafferty


The gift of administration provides structure, guidance and correction for the church. Administration is organizing, planning, guiding and allocating people, material resources and time to achieve a goal. Administrators are leaders who focus on the details. They thoughtfully consider the course of the church though rigorous preparation and planning. God has given the gift of administration to provide the needed structures, guidance and correction to keep the church from deteriorating into chaos and disorder, and thus ineffectiveness and fruitlessness. God is a God of order, and he is not glorified by a disordered church (1 Corinthians 14:33).

First Baptist Church Cameron

Bible Study Teachers

Kathy Barrett

Youth Committee Chair, Bible Study Teacher - The Rock

John Pease

Property Committee Chair, Bible Study Teacher - Kingsmen

Carol Heitman

Personnel Committee Chair, Bible Study Teacher - Genesis

Billy Crouch

Bible Study Teacher - Men of God

Wes Shelander

Bible Study Teacher - Salt & Light

Loretta Walthall

Bible Study Teacher - Alpha & Omega

Martha Henry

Bible Study Teacher - Care & Share

Judy Guffey

Bible Study Teacher - Junior Disciples

Sherry Uvalle

Bible Study Teacher - Growing with Jesus
First Baptist Church Cameron

Church Council

Debbie Hanel

Ladies Committee Chair

Kathy Barrett

Youth Committee Chair, Bible Study Teacher - The Rock

Erin Evans

Children Committee Chair

John Pease

Property Committee Chair, Bible Study Teacher - Kingsmen

Maxie Morgan

Finance Committee Chair

Jerry Heitman

Technology Committee Chair

Carol Heitman

Personnel Committee Chair, Bible Study Teacher - Genesis

James Smith

Mens Committee Chair

Kim Ransom

Missions Committee Chair

Betty Harmon

Senior Adults Committee Chair

Cindy Lafferty

Hospitality Committee Chair